Memory Training Course Popular at Fountainview at Eisenberg Village

Memory Training Course Popular at Fountainview at Eisenberg Village
Members of Fountainview at Eisenberg Village, a Continuing Care Retirement Community at the Jewish Home, enjoy a wide variety of activities which enrich and enhance their lives. There is a movie theater, a fitness center complete with personal trainers, and a stocked arts and crafts room. Then there are classes and lectures. One class proved so popular, it was brought back twice so a total of 60 members were able to participate. It was a Memory Training Course written and designed by Gary Small, MD, and Linda Ercoli, PhD, of UCLA's Longevity Center.

"Memory loss is a concern for most seniors, and our members are no different," explained Shelley Smilen, Foutainview Director of Resident Services. "Once we read the description of the class – ‘an innovative, educational course that teaches techniques to improve memory in a fun, interactive classroom environment' – we knew immediately Fountainview members would enthusiastically respond and enroll."
Instructor Frank Cook, a nurse health educator, led the 4-week classes at Fountainview, teaching one 2-hour session per week and giving members homework assignments. Weaving classic memory techniques together with new strategies for improving memory, Cook made sure each class member practiced what he taught. "He helped me come up with tools that I had forgotten to use," said Fountainview member Lee Levy.
Cook also taught tips for coping with an unreliable memory. Class members enjoyed participating and sharing their personal experiences with how the techniques worked for them. "This class really helped me remember whether or not I locked the car," said Joanne Candiotti. "Also, before I go into a room now, I say out loud what I'm going in there for. I'm so grateful I had the opportunity to come here."