Help Paying Your Bill

Help Paying Your Bill
Hospital Pricing
As of January 1, 2021, CMS (the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) requires that hospitals post a list of their standard charges and a display of select shoppable services online.
The Joyce Eisenberg Keefer Medical Center Auerbach Geriatric Psychiatric Unit (JEKMC AGPU), located at Los Angeles Jewish Health, is committed to sharing and helping consumers better understand specific health care costs.
The standard charge file includes both the standard (gross) charge, the negotiated rate for contracted payers, the cash pay rate—for consumers without insurance coverage, and the minimum and maximum negotiated rates across payers.
The shoppable services display includes CMS-identified select items and services. In total, CMS requires hospitals to display a total of 300 shoppable services. However, given JEKMC-AGPU’s niche services and care delivery model, the number of shoppable services is limited.
The standard charge list is strictly related to the charge for a service. It does not include fees for Professional Services (ex. Psychiatrists, Psychologists, other Professional Providers). Hospitals are typically paid based on contracted rates for the services they provide, so the charge may not reflect the amount paid by your insurance or the amount due from you. Consumer coverage, co-payments and deductibles are specific to an insurance plan.
The information contained in this file is currently uploaded annually. Charge information is subject to periodic changes and the file will be updated as soon as practically possible to reflect such changes.
The file contains both the charge amount, the charge code, and the charge description of the item or service as reflected in the hospital’s chargemaster.
For more information on CMS’ hospital price transparency requirements, visit the CMS website.
Financial Assistance and Debt Collection Policies
The purpose of the policy is to provide patients with information on the Financial Assistance (Charity Care) available at Joyce Eisenberg Keefer Medical Center/Auerbach Geriatric Psychiatry Unit (“AGPU” or “Hospital”) and to outline the process for determining eligibility for Financial Assistance.
The policy can be found here
Help Paying Your Bill- Financial Assistance and Surprise Billing Protections
As part of our mission at Los Angeles Jewish Health and The Joyce Eisenberg Keefer Medical Center (JEK) Auerbach Geriatric Psychiatry Unit (AGPU), we are dedicated to providing access to quality healthcare for the community and treating all patients with respect, dignity, and consideration. In accordance with state law, this includes providing financial assistance to eligible patients who cannot afford to pay for care. We offer our patients a variety of options to meet their financial needs, even if they do not qualify for assistance.
Help Paying your Bill-
JEK AGPU has many options to assist you with payment of your hospital bill. Options may include:
Medi-Cal & Government Program Eligibility: You may be eligible for a government-sponsored health benefit program. Please contact the AGPU Program Director (818) 758-5045 if you would like additional information about government programs or need assistance with applying for such programs.
Covered California: You may be eligible for health care coverage under Covered California, which is California’s health benefit exchange under the Affordable Care Act. Contact the AGPU Program Director (818) 758-5045 for more detail and assistance to see if you quality for health care coverage through Covered California.
Payment Plans: Patient account balances are due upon receipt. Patients may be eligible to make payment arrangements for their hospital bill. The payment plan is negotiated between the Hospital and the patient, and a financial agreement must be signed before AGPU can accept payment arrangements that allow patients to pay their hospital bills over time.
For questions, please call 818-758-5045.
Discount Program and Charity Care Assistance Information-
Summary of Financial Assistance (Charity Care): The AGPU is committed to providing financial assistance to patients who have no third-party source of payment, such as an insurance company or government program, or insured patients with high medical cost as defined by CA HSC 127400(g) for any portion of their medical expenses and who have a family income at or below 400% of the federal poverty level. The following is a summary of the application process for patients who wish to seek financial assistance.
How to Apply-
You may apply for financial assistance using the application form that is available from the AGPU Program Director by calling 818-758-5045 or the Director of Social Services at 818-758-5038. It is also available on the AGPU website ( During the application process, you will be asked to provide information regarding the number of people in your family, your monthly income, and other information that will assist the hospital with determining your eligibility for financial assistance. You may be asked to provide a pay stub or tax records to assist AGPU with verifying your income.
After you submit the application, the hospital will review the information and notify you in writing regarding your eligibility. If you have any questions during the application process, you may contact the AGPU Program Director at (818) 758-5045.
If you disagree with the hospital’s decision, you may submit a dispute claim to the AGPU Program Director.
Copies of this Financial Assistance Policy, the Plain Language Summary and Application, as well as government program applications are available in English and Spanish in person at the AGPU Program Director’s office as well as at and available by mail. We can also send you a copy of the Financial Assistance Policy free of charge if you contact our AGPU Program Director at 818-758-5045 or the Director of Social Services at 818-758-5038. In addition you can download from our website
Hospital Bill Complaint Program-
The Hospital Bill Compliant Program is a state program that reviews hospital decisions about whether you qualify for help paying your hospital bill. If you believe you were wrongly denied financial assistance, you may file a complaint with the State of California’s Hospital Bill Complaint Program. Go to for more information and to file a complaint.
Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 22, § 96051.11
Note: Authority cited: Section 127010, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Section 127410, Health and Safety Code.
Help Paying Your Bill-
There are free consumer advocacy organizations that will help you understand the billing and payment process. You may call the Health Consumer Alliance at 888-804-3536 or go to for more information.
Protections for surprise medical bills- All patients are afforded protections against surprise medical bills. Visit, or call the Help Desk at 1-800-985-3059 for more information. TTY users can call 1-800-985-3059.
Please see the hospital’s website for copies of these policies, applications, standard charges and shoppable services at
This notice is also available in other languages, large print, braille, audio format. Please contact AGPU Program Director at 818-758-5045 or the Director of Social Services at 818-758-5038 for assistance.
JEK AGPU Financial Assistance Policy
JEKMC AGPU Application for Financial Assistance
Audio Transliteration for Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Legal Name: Los Angeles Jewish Home for The Aging
EIN #: 95-3510024