Palliative Care

Palliative Care
LAJHealth for Palliative Medicine is a philosophy of care and a process for delivering care. It provides comprehensive pain and symptom management for adults with chronic, but not life-limiting, medical conditions. Palliative medicine is a specialized medical approach to optimize quality of life by anticipating or preventing, and treating pain and discomfort. It is appropriate at any point of an illness and can be delivered along with curative treatments. Palliative medicine is provided by a team of professionals who treat the patient and family, addressing their medical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs. Our interdisciplinary team coordinates care delivery with your physician to reduce pain and manage symptoms.
At a Glance: What is Palliative Care?
Focusing on the larger perspective of a patient’s needs and well-being, rather than high technology interventions as the course of an illness progresses.
Palliative Care Information
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