Making the Journey from Memory to Blessing
Making the Journey from Memory to Blessing
As a philosophy, hospice care provides pain and symptom management to those needing end-of-life care. At Skirball Hospice, our team of physicians, nurses, social workers, spiritual counselors, home health aides, office staff, and volunteers provides biopsychosocial and spiritual comfort, throughout the greater Los Angeles community and at the Los Angeles Jewish Home.
After the death of a loved one, the bereavement team provides support to family members for 13 months in the form of counseling, referrals, and mailings, as well as guidance with logistical concerns. An important part of our support is our Annual Skirball Hospice Memorial Service – a time to remember and celebrate the legacy of the patients that died in the previous year.
This year, the Memorial Service was held on Sunday, March 5, 2017, at the Skirball Cultural Center. Led by members of the Skirball Hospice team, attendees joined together through songs, readings, and prayers. Stories of love and laughter were shared as the memories of loved ones came to life throughout the day. Family members and friends expressed their gratitude to the hospice team for their support and guidance; team members rekindled relationships with those they had regularly been in communication with in the year past; and everyone experienced a sense of fulfillment, hope, and peace in continuation of the journey through grief and through life.
Skirball Hospice is a program of the Los Angeles Jewish Home. If you have any questions or comments you’d like to share with the Skirball Hospice team, please feel free to contact us at any time on our 24-hour line at 818.774.3040. We look forward to connecting with you, and thank you for giving us the honor of serving you and your loved ones during a most sacred time.