5 Tips for Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions

5 Tips for Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions
Last month we posted a blog entitled "7 New Year's Resolutions to Improve Your Health in the Coming Year." As a follow-up, we're offering a few tips for keeping your resolutions. Because as we all know, there's nothing easier than making a resolution—and nothing harder than keeping one!
In fact, one study of 3,000 people showed that just a little over 10% of people are able to keep their New Year's resolutions. Here are the major reasons why:
- The resolution is unrealistic
- Progress isn't tracked
- People forget about the resolution
- People make too many resolutions

Following are 5 ways for you to help keep your resolutions.
1. Set specific goals
Wanting to lose weight—just to use one example of a common resolution – is an admirable goal. But be specific. How much weight do you want to lose? 10 pounds? 20? Or perhaps your resolution is to exercise more. How? Walking? Swimming? How often? How far? Once you understand the parameters, the following tip will come in handy.
2. Measure your progress
Now that you know how much weight you want to lose or how much you want to exercise, track your progress by keeping a diary. If you are not achieving your goals, you'll know what you have to do. If you are reaching your goals, you may be inspired to strive for even more.
3. Talk about your goals
Share your experiences with family and friends. You might consider joining a support group, such as an exercise class, to reach your goals. Sharing your challenges and success may help make keeping your resolutions much easier and more enjoyable.
4. Ask for help
You are surrounded by people who want you to succeed—and want to help. Don't hesitate to ask. You may be surprised how much they can help you achieve your goals, even if just by offering their support.
5. Be kind to yourself
It's perfectly normal to go off your diet or skip the gym. But that's okay. There's no need to beat yourself up—or worse, give up altogether. The important thing is to resolve to get back on track as soon as possible.
By following these 5 simple tips, you'll be on your way to achieving your New Year's resolutions!