The Associates

About The Associates
The Associates consists of hundreds of women from the greater Los Angeles area who are dedicated to the health and wellbeing of the seniors served by LAJHealth. Active since the founding of the original Jewish Home in 1912, The Associates have offered numerous opportunities for volunteerism, social and cultural activities, and more. Its premier annual event, the Tree of Life Luncheon, honors members' longstanding dedication to philanthropy.
There are several opportunities for supporting The Associates
For information please contact Tracey Hughes at 818.774.3335 or [email protected]
Make a difference – touch a life
We welcome any help we can get, and there are several ways to support The Associates of Los Angeles Jewish Health in our mission to help those in need, regardless of their financial circumstance. In addition to general donations, you can become a member of The Associates or the Tiffany Society, purchase a tribute, a memorial leaf, or a cast bronze plaque.